Turn taking is one of the very important pre-linguistic skills. If the child is not able to wait for his turn / to take turns during activities, you can prompt him as following
( Let's think you are taking turns to thread colorful beads to a string)
- First practice taking turns with one person ( you and the child)
- You can physically prompt the child. This means, you hold child's hand to prevent him grabbing beads and threading without waiting for his turn. You release his hand when it is his turn.
- Also you can control the child by giving one bead at a time. So you are giving the bead when it is his turn only.
- You can verbally prompt him by saying " It's your turn now/ It's my turn now" or It's John's turn/ Teacher's / mummy's etc. turn".
- You can cue him by asking "My turn finished. whose turn is it now?"
- After he is mastered with one person , you can try with more than one person.
- And also you can generalize his turn taking skills with real board games.